Adam Rössler
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic
Předmětem návrhu je novostavba polyfunkčního domu. Jedná se o stavbu, která je součástí nově vzniklého urbanistického celku na pobřeží Bejrůtu navrženého v… more
STUDENT: Adam Rössler
COUNTRY: Czech Republic
SEMIFINAL JUROR: Wandile Sibandze
1. STRENGTHS: It is a beautiful, professional and sensitively prepared document. It is clear that the subject matter is well understood [from a broader context down to detail] and researched by the candidate and that it is close to his ‘heart’ and sensibilities. The candidate presented the realities of the chosen site well and with insight.
2. SHORTCOMINGS: Whilst a background of the need for revitalization of the city through urbanism is made. The candidate does not really enter into a theoretical argument of any real significance and value to rationalize the need\demand that informs the listed mix of function and bulk\sizes [he proposes without entering into the merits of such an approach; i.e supported by a market-study, feasibility-study etc]. The mix is a commercial package and ought to realize yield. If the mix is need-driven or philosophy-driven or projection-driven must be clearly articulated and argued.
3. CREDIBILITY OF ARGUMENT: The argument is credible within the previously mentioned “shortcomings’.
4.1. The design is brought to an exemplary resolution and he is able to communicate the modern architecture [organic architecture] as interpreted by Arab countries; his proposals in a convincing manner.
4.2. A good attempt and understanding of urbanism [at both micro and macro locality], urban-hierarchy and urban-landscape.
4.3. A good analyses and understanding of urban lifestyle, city-variety, legibility and vibrancy; subsequently the image-of the city.
4.4. The candidate understands the quality of the negative.
4.5. Good understanding of materiality.
4.6. Skillful application of tectonics on the facade to ensure climate responsiveness.
4.7. The integration of greenery displays a responsible approach to micro-climate; a human-centred approach.
5. TECHNICAL INFORMATION: The candidate’s ‘technical investigation’ is of a higher standard. It is clear that he has control and command of these aspects.
6.1. It was a pleasure to deal with this candidate’s work.
6.2. Convincing motivation for choice of site, good explanation of design concept, and good presentation over-all.
6.3. The efficiency index [±2783m²/79Bays = 35m²/Bay] of the basement layout is poor; it can be improved through reconfiguration of the layout and rationalization of the form to minimize wasted/negative spaces to achieve the acceptable efficiency index of 25-30m²/Bay.
6.4. The candidate claims to have sufficiently provided an adequate number of parking bays without entering into the arithmetic merits of parking requirements\ ratio [i.e 4bays/100, 6bays/100 etc] as required by the local authority [town planning scheme]. Currently, the 3 basements provide a total of 237 parking bays [for a total GLA of ±9460.4m² excluding non-habitable areas] and that gives approximately 2.5bays/100 which is generally low, especially because “Beirut is a car-dependent city, with 80% of Beirut citizens using their private cars to move across the city (the rate of car ownership is higher than regional and global benchmarks: 627 cars/1000 in Beirut..”
6.5. Basement single-lanes are generally not ideal in public-buildings and commercial-buildings because they usually cause traffic congestion and stacking\back-log [i.e as one vehicle on-lane, awaits a vehicle pulling-out or parking; there’s no room for the vehicle on-lane behind to slip-out or overtake].
6.6. Vehicular vertical-circulation-system [ramps] needs to be shown clearly and be resolved; the gradient to the next level needs to be addressed with the correct slope/ratio [i.e 1:8, 1:10 etc].
6.7. Show basement entrance\exit connection to the public-road\tunnel to ensure adequacy of stacking-distance.
6.8. Indicate location of basement security and control [i.e boom-gate and security-booth].
6.9. 5000mm wide drive-ways have proven not to be adequate for a garage parking-layout [usually works for a 45degree layout] because you pull-completely-out straight-off the parking bay before making any turn; therefore, for a 5000mm long vehicle there’s not enough room to maneuver turns whilst perpendicular on-lane.
6.10. Whilst fluid forms are pleasant, restraint needs to be exercised not to spend significant amounts of money where it’s not seen [a basement is a buried form and non-habitable]. It is still a commercial-building; maximum yield [yield of 9-12, depending on the part of the world] needs to be realized.
6.11. Sanitary calculation needs to be shown to prove arithmetic merits of adequate provision and compliance with the National Building Regulations; this has an impact on mechanical design.
6.12. Candidate must show merits of compliance with the zoning rights of the site [as normally indicated in the town-planning scheme and should have been depicted in the document]. These restrictions may include, but not limited to; allowable number of storeys, allowable maximum height, permissible maximum coverage, permissible set-backs/off-set/building-line and allowable Floor Area Ratio e.t.c
6.13. The ground floor [commercial/retail floor] is only active on its edge/street [trades outwards only]. An attempt should be made for internal connectivity from the vertical circulation/core; this will increase symbiosis, circulation and convenience [i.e from the basement one ought to be able to connect to the showroom, retail and coffee-shop without having to exit the building, especially in bad weather]. The current layout poses a challenge for paraplegic persons; moving out of the building from the lift-core to access the rest of the services on its perimeter, only to return to the lift-core to access the offices above.
6.14. Ensure that all fire-escape-doors, on the ground floor, open [swing towards] the direction of escape.
6.15. Ensure that all paraplegic toilet doors swing-outwardly and that there is enough wheel-chair space between the door-swing and whb.
6.16. Physically, define all office thresholds from lift-lobbies for purposes of security, access-control and record-keeping [through tags or biometric systems].
6.17. Cross-check if unisex toilets [located on the upper-floor of the car-showroom] are permissible in Arab Countries.