Eva Kováčová, Jana Rudiková, Peter Vašíček, Roman Oškrobaný
STU in Bratislava - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Urban Design and Landscape
The aim of INSPIRELI BEIRUT PORT COMPETITION is to bring new solution and urban design for the Beirut former cargo and passenger port area which was destroyed… more
Mirjana Barać
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia
Mirjana Barać is a PhD student and a Research Assistant at UB-FA. Her main research focus is on an… more
The project has an interesting idea and concept of the transformation and arrangement of the port area, which is accompanied by a detailed elaboration of individual planned facilities.
The presented visualizations, isometric, and other three-dimensional views adequately reflect the way of arranging and using the port area, although establishing a different relationship between them on the panel could contribute to better readability of the information and better highlighting of all the qualities of the work. It is especially important to connect the graphics with the textual description, for example, some parts of the textual descriptions in the segment of architecture also refer to the macro level, i.e. the relationship of objects to the environment, so it would be good to present such information also graphically and illustrate it at the beginning.
Making contact with water represents the value of this work, and the added importance of the work is also reflected in considering ways of connecting new contents and introducing dynamics into the space through an ellipsoid path. Nevertheless, the continuity of movement and connection is interrupted in certain places, so it would be good if the effects of these interruptions in the flows or movement of different users (local citizens, international tourists, etc.) were also considered. Also, in some segments, the ellipsoid path could be physically and functionally connected to water to a greater extent. This could also be achieved by reviewing the spatial distribution of planned land uses and activities, which are more private or public, especially along an ellipsoid path.
The analyzed connection between the airport and the "passenger port", taking into account the contents and movement along the coast, gives added value to this project. It would be good if other connections with the city, which are particularly significant for the local citizens, were also shown.
The final proposal is preceded by good analyses, which are visually well-presented. However, their connection with the basic idea and concept of the project should be established more clearly. For example, how the conclusions and findings from the analysis of the coast of Lebanon affect the (physical and functional) transformation of the port in Beirut, as well as analysis of the modern history of Lebanon, the historical development of the port and individual analyzes for the city level (landmarks, city greenery, recreation, damaged buildings, etc.).
Bearing in mind that the project proposed a radical transformation of the port area, by introducing new land uses, it would be good if the project proposal also gave an overview of the future functioning of the port (whether certain areas of the port are being moved, where, etc.).