Michail Karamichalis
University of Patras, School of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Patras
Urban Design and Landscape
Beirut, the coastal capital of Lebanon, is an ancient city with an ever-expanding urban as well as industrial area. Since the urban and industrial expansions… more
Saed Hamdar
Lebanese University - Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture
Urban planning , Transportation and Environment. more
Hello Michail
Your project is really great taking all the aspects into consideration but I would like to highlight to some current situations first traffic management and parking, the wheat stores were totally crashed some months ago which were used to store wheat before transforming it to bakeries. I would like to give 3 ideas first is to be aware of the heights as in that region the height of buildings is limited to almost 5 floors ,second is that the current docks for vessels are limited in depth so not all vessels can come in (current depth is 13m ) so new docks should be considered for larger vessels also there is large volumes of petroleum in the Lebanese Sea so things like being exporter of gas, fuel.. would be nice to be considered and also in regards of safety (explosion due to these materials petroleum or chemicals like amonium nitrate which caused the explosion or special place to put them , or even possible natural disaster as Lebanon is on a tectonic zone that would cause earthquake or tsunami) add how to have exit plan and minimal damage on the nearby.
Wish you all the best