Maria Emilia Gonzalez
Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Cumbaya, Ecuador, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseno Interior
Urban Design and Landscape
The concept is to divide the port space into intersecting channels and basins creating islets of various sizes. This design respects and interprets Nordhavn's… more
Houida Khuzam
Al Baath University
All fields in Architecture in general including:Architectural Design (specialized)Landscape and… more
After analyzing the project,there are several points that must be mentioned
The positives of the project:
The project has been devided into separate sections.There is a diversity of functional activities (commercial,recreational,cultural,...) linking them with the Boulevard as an essential element and also the interrelationship with the river.
It is good to take into account the presence of a memorial symbol for the explosion of the harbor .
It is also useful to recycle the containers in the harbor.
The negative points of the project:
The architectural solution seemed simple and didn't take into account the nature of the coastal area,which it should reflect by studying the architectural and functional spaces,the aesthetics and harmony of the blocks .
It is preferable to study the waterfront of the harbor to integrate with the surrounding environment.
In the end ,I find that the study is not integrated and needs more depth.