kumneger Shaweno
The problem we are facing on poor rejoin of veterans with their families peacefully and abuse of their life after combat. This project aims to solve the core… more
Abhishek Rao
Abhishek Rao is a budding urbanist, licensed architect, noted artist, illustrator and the founder… more
Congratulations on submitting your entry! The topic you have chosen is a very sensitive one and it generally requires a high volume of predesign research on various aspects, which are often ignored. Veterans are mostly the victims of the stereotype that they already posses strong mind, health & wellbeing. But unfortunate the truth is what exactly you have portrayed in your synopsis. PTSD, being one of the terrible things that they face, literally throw them into unquantifiable situation making their life tougher.
I must appreciate the depth of your research and derivation of your concept. The way you have vented out the root causes and their possible space remedies, are nicely done in a categorical manner. Systematic expression for each respondent issue has been portrayed well. Spaces have got direct impact on human psychology and behavioral aspects, especially when context is sensitive. The form derivation and planning are also thoughtful.
Few things I would like to suggest that you may consider
1. Scope of using daylight to emphasize intangible dynamics in interior spaces along with few artificial illumination.
2. The visual linkage between exterior and interior where you are showing wholeness can be a bit more worked out.
3. Use off illumination in 3D renders need to be more specific in few areas to strengthen the strong motive of your design language.
4. While showing site sections coz can consider some more precision in graphics in terms of the hierarchical representation of visual dominance through layer transparency.
5. Internal planning could have a bit more resolution to be properly visible.
Nonetheless, the concept and entire execution process are amazing. I repeat the literature study and design development part is really credible. Good luck. Happy learning!
Dear Abhishek Rao, Thank you for your feedback and appreciation!
This project is my thesis project which is done by different analysis and predesign study and i will try to improve it by your feedback.
Thank you!
Kumneger shaweno