Emad Adel Mahmoud, Mohamed Galal-El Din Morgan, Mohamed Moussa Ali, Atef Mohamed, Mahmoud Osama Mohamed
Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University in Abbaseya, Cairo
-The design idea comes from studying the biological system of a sea sponge animal. -Sponges feed on water via stressing food particles. When water penetrates a… more
Qhawarizmi Norhisham (PRBr.)
MARA University of Technology (UiTM), Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Department of Architecture, Shah Alam, Selangor, Sri Iskandar, Perak
Architecture is about everything, except architecture more
Hi team,
Excellent interpretation of the sea sponge and recreation of its natural organic geometry in the project. Some notes for your consideration to maximize the impact of the pavilion are:
1. To reflect the same geometry outline onto the floor to create a coherent public plaza, that ties everything neatly together. It can be further enhanced with paving, bench, and planter boxes that accentuate the sea sponge geometry.
2. To route the LED lighting strip to closely mimic the sea sponge geometry outline.
3. To select lighter material colour selection, so that the fenestration form can be better appreciated.
Enjoyed the project. All the best with your future projects.