Maria Antonina Kęsy, Edmonda Bytyqi
Szent István University - Ybl Miklós Faculity of Architecture
Masterplan for Beirut post was a challenging project focusing on the revitalization of significant area of the city. The aim of the project was to give a city… more
Hi Maria
First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the wonderful efforts in designing the project to produce such a beautiful and sensitive design, and it achieved a high harmony with the context smoothly. It also achieved a kind of integration with the surrounding environment through the open areas of the green spaces, which seemed to be a wonderful View for this area.
The project is obvious environmentally friendly and has a human scale that makes the recipient feel that the place is filled with oxygen resulting from green spaces.
The objective of the project was achieved exactly as it was expressed by the student.
The addition of the Dormitory activity is considered one of the humanitarian features of the project, as it is known that the port’s function is a pure service function that is summed up in the exchange and transportation of goods and passengers.
The problem with this project is the lack of the service systems that make the port work.
Also, the horizontal movement system of cars and trucks is not completely mentioned in the design. Although the project has clearly integrated with the marine environment, it is only integrated in terms of entertainment and not in terms of services, as the student did not clarify in the design how the ships enter and their movement and the movement of cars, Transport trucks also the movement of incoming and outgoing passengers.
The student also did not design the parking areas and how vehicles enter the project by any route.
But it is clear that pedestrian movement within the project is very efficient and connects the parts of the buildings efficiently.
What is taken for this project is completely neglected the service systems and was only interested in entertainment systems?
Finally, I would like to congratulate the student for joining the Inspireli award family and wish her a bright future in this profession.