SK : Lisabon je mestom SVETLA, OTVORENOSTI a TRADÍCIE. Pri riešení konceptu zadania sa vychádzalo z týchto faktorov a preto bola jednoduchá HMOTA prízemia rozdelená na 3 časti, ktoré boli vzájomne OTVORENÉ a spojené pozdĺžne, čím sa prízemie prepojilo a PRESVETLILO cez severnú a južnú stranu. Ďalším cieľom bolo OTVORIŤ HMOTU aj priečne a sprístupniť ju verejnosti cez parter. Týmto získala tri HMOTY, ktoré sú OTVORENÉ celej okolitej oblasti. Celkovým architektonickým riešením objektu bolo dosiahnuť jednoduchú minimalistickú HMOTU, ktorá je preniknutá SVETLOM, OTVORENÁ k prírode a ľuďom.
Co sa tyka vizuanej podoby navrhu, boli volene principy OTVORENOSTI A SVETLA. Preto je HMOTA riesena ako cista biela minimasliticka betonova stierku, ktorou prestupuje SVETLO cez zasklenene OTVORY. Myslienkou bolo takuto jednoduchu hmotu ciastocne potiahnut kozou Portugalska a preto su OTVORENE casti potiahnute typickou portugalskou kachlickou.
EN : Lisbon is a city of LIGHT, OPENNESS, and TRADITION. When solving the design concept, these factors were taken into account, and therefore, the simple MASS of the ground floor was divided into 3 parts, which were mutually OPEN and longitudinally connected, allowing the ground floor to be interconnected and ILLUMINATED through the northern and southern sides. Another goal was to OPEN the MASS transversely and make it accessible to the public through the ground floor. As a result, three MASSES were obtained, which are OPEN to the entire surrounding area. The overall architectural solution of the building aimed to achieve a simple minimalist MASS that is penetrated by LIGHT and OPEN to nature and people.
Regarding the visual appearance of the design, the principles of OPENNESS and LIGHT were chosen. Therefore, the MASS is designed as a pure white minimalist concrete finish, allowing light to pass through glazed openings. The idea was to partially cover this simple mass with a Portuguese touch, so the OPEN parts are clad in typical Portuguese tiles.