Siyuan Wang, Qiyue Dong
Nanjing University of the Arts
Interior Design
33House is a narrow facing micro residential building with a three person house As a basic concept, creating a three person shared house for young people .The… more
Leoret Myftaraj
My architectural focus is on creating spaces that are sustainable, resilient, and adaptable. I… more
Hi Siyan
I would like to express my appreciation for your innovative idea of incorporating irregular window shapes into the design. However, I would like to address a concern regarding the security aspect of the garage, which appears to be open to the living room area. In another document, I noticed that you mentioned the inclusion of a window, which has left me somewhat confused.
I would like to take this opportunity to commend you on your excellent work and the thoroughness of your study. Your dedication and attention to detail are truly impressive.
Leoret Myftaraj