Any participant in the INSPIRELI AWARDS competition can ask a member of the international jury for feedback on his/her competition project. Jurors are assigned across continents at a ratio of one juror per student. The resulting gallery is a unique architecture textbook, created free of charge by those who wish to participate in our project and contribute their work to the education of the up and coming generation. We are honored that you are sharing your designs and experiences here.

358 Results

Retail projects feedbacks

The ambition to transform a danger zone into a creative enclave through art is undeniably bold. The metaphorical use of curved walls as borders, harmonizing with the natural topography and housing art boxes, makes a profound statement about infusing creativity into the environment. These walls serve as pivotal structures, seamlessly integrating built forms with the terrain while simultaneously offering both enclosure and glimpses of the surrounding landscape. The interstitial spaces between…

Ho-gyeum Kim

Ho-gyeum Kim

Colour variations could be explored (but not necessarily).

Dr. Santosh Kumar Jha

Dr. Santosh Kumar Jha

The presentation for 'KULTUAWRA: Harmony in Diversity' effectively communicates the inclusive spirit of the project through vivid imagery and a harmonious mix of architectural languages that align well with the project's ethos. The inclusion of a gender-neutral restroom underscores the thorough research undertaken, while the floor plan demonstrates a cohesive layout that complements the building's curvilinear form and architectural ribs. The design's intention to reflect a spectrum of…

Mingshan Fang

Mingshan Fang

Beautiful design The core idea of this project was brilliant,how it would help to strength the local community and economy. The design was perfect and functional,with a wise choice of local materials. Also how he make this project sustainable and green was another advantage for this unique project.

Sarvenaz Sharifi

Sarvenaz Sharifi

The concept was well developed in the design,and he succeeded to give the sense of the depth and flow which was the main focus point of the project. The architectural plan has good devisions and the vertical and horizontal circulations were well designed. But some details need to be more precise and need more attention,like the handrails,the patterns used in the handrails are not connected together. The other part that needs more work is the furniture of the project,the color and form of the…

Sarvenaz Sharifi

Sarvenaz Sharifi

Tout d'abord, je tiens à vous exprimer ma gratitude pour cette présentation graphique de qualité. Elle dénote une réflexion approfondie et un esthétisme indéniable. Ce projet pour le "SHEKOR" Musée de découverte agricole et centre de recherche propose une initiative louable pour combler un manque important dans le paysage culturel et éducatif du Bangladesh. Voici quelques points de critique et de suggestion : * Justification du besoin : La nécessité d'un musée agricole est clairement expliquée…

Salma Ben Mansour

Salma Ben Mansour

Votre projet témoigne d'une réflexion approfondie et d'une attention minutieuse aux détails, ce qui mérite d'être salué. Cependant, pour améliorer sa qualité globale, il est essentiel de clarifier certains points et d'approfondir certains aspects pratiques. En ce qui concerne les considérations climatiques, vos efforts pour adapter le site aux conditions locales sont judicieux. Toutefois, il serait bénéfique d'inclure des informations sur les matériaux utilisés pour l'isolation thermique et la…

Salma Ben Mansour

Salma Ben Mansour

Thank you for providing an overview of your project, "Interconnect: Knowledge Hub in Kandy." Based on the information provided, I can offer the following feedback: Strengths 1. Contextual response: The project seems to stem from a thoughtful analysis of the existing site conditions, underutilization of space, and the need for a proper entrance and wayfinding. Responding to contextual needs is a commendable approach. 2. Adaptive reuse: Incorporating and repurposing the historical police…

Hamidreza Khademi

Hamidreza Khademi

Thank you for providing a comprehensive overview of your innovative thesis project, ParaPOD 2.0. It is an impressive and forward-thinking design that addresses several critical urban challenges. Here are some strengths and suggestions for your consideration: Strengths: 1. Embracing flexibility and adaptability: The live/work pod concept, coupled with co-working spaces and virtual offices, caters to the evolving work-life dynamics and the needs of urban starters, startups, and the gig economy…

Hamidreza Khademi

Hamidreza Khademi

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