Klára Procházková
FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Czech Republic
Bydlení nelze zjednodušit na jeho jedinou životní funkci. Musí být rozšířen na vztah k místu a prostředí. Jaký je vztah člověka (obyvatele) k prostoru jeho bydlení? Jak žít? Jak žít jinak? Co je dnes bydlení a co lze předvídat na jeho vývoj? Jak můžeme my, architekti, v současné situaci hledat řešení tohoto zdánlivě banálního problému bydlení? Na novém území jižního centra Brna se v souvislosti s novým nádražím uvolnily velké plochy, které umožňují organizovat městskou strukturu nové zastávky.…
Using a 2-point perspective is nice because it simplifies the image for the observer. In this case, where the complex design is pictured, its use is important.
The picture shows a huge object, but relatively few figures. But more importantly, it is not entirely clear what the characters have room to do. To show space usage means to instantly improve the quality of visualization. I assume he should live in the building, but he doesn't look uninhabited. This is perhaps a simple thing to improve. Bring more life and interactions to the visualization. Not only by placing more people, but also by decoration.
The plants look a little artificial, the crop lines (white) can be seen. It is good to use offset of selection if I make the plants myself, or to use better quality materials. Or use 3D plants, of course.
Here it is nice to see that without a two-point perspective, the object falls optically and is as if deformed.
I don't know what it meant to show, but if the greenery, then it would be good to add some other plants, pots, or just undergrowth under the trees. The characters are nicely placed in the foreground, but in the back of the picture, the place is completely empty. Usually there are 3 best practices for placing people 1) the whole space is filled, so it could be seen that there is lot of live 2) visualization focuses on only one function and people are in a specific situation that attracts attention and determines the use of space 3) people on visualizations are not placed at all. Doing half of it is not good.