Lenka Houserová
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic
Hlavní ideou bylo vytvořit místo obklopené přírodou poskytující klid a prostředí pro relaxaci a trávení času s rodinou a přáteli. Koncept návrhu vychází ze snahy najít rovnováhu mezi hmotou objektu, materiálovým pojetím a okolním prostředím. The main idea of the project was to create a place surrounded by nature, providing peace and environment for relaxing and spending time with family and friend. The concept of the design springs from the endeavour to find a balance between the mass of the…
Nicely prepared scene with content, greenery, interesting model. But a small focal length devalues it greatly. Thanks to it, the sky is very "outstretched" and it is also difficult to make a compositionally nice view when half of the picture is grass in front of the building. The ideal focal length is between 25-35 mm. Greater value is often better. The focal length is easy to set, in the photo preview it is a slider in the middle of the bottom (only on the screen).
This is a pretty nice shot. This would help to increase the focal length even more.
The way to improve this shot is perhaps to lighten the shadows a bit to make it easier to see under the plants (or use more light from the sky). Dark spots in visualizations of parks and pedestrian zones are not entirely welcome.
It would also be good to adjust objects and plants near the camera. Focus more on composition. It is ideal to take a shot with a very rough layout of elements. Then, according to the shot, complete individual models, figures and try out what it will look like in the context of photography. It is good to place very detailed models in front of the camera (for example, plants, these are prepared in Lumion in the highest possible quality). This, in turn, pushes the credibility of the render a little further.