The program of museum is structured in two blocks - Exhibition halls on the upper part and World of academia on the lower part - with a great forum in between them. Concept is based on turning the mass of each floor.
Upper part of the building is dedicated to exhibitions. Each mass is facing to one architectural monument in Berlin. It is thus to point to the changing character of architecture in mankind history.
The great forum creates an open space for everyone who is interested in meeting and discussing architecture. To reach the open and communicative space the forum was enlarge to the edge of The New National Gallery. For the better visual connection the wall of the gallery was lowered.
Lower part of the building is dedicated to the world of academia. To get some light into the lower rooms there is an atrium which walls were turned to the sites with the biggest solar gain.
Táto správa je určená len pre študenta a nebude zverejnená, rovnako ako odpoveď študenta na ňu. Táto správa však podlieha schváleniu tímu INSPIRELI v záujme ochrany študentov.
Nájdite spoločnosti, s ktorými máte pozitívne skúsenosti a ktorých radám môžu českí vysokoškoláci dôverovať. Len registrovaní členovia a partneri INSPIRELI FAMILY uvidia, ktoré spoločnosti ste označili.
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