P/residential residence

Idea projektu

My approach respects the topography of the terrain. The villa’s mass divides the site into two different parts, and regarding their purpose can be used as a private garden and representational public garden. In my proposal I do suggest to connect the site with Novosvetska street. It would increase the security of the site exponentially. This entrance would serve only for the president, his family and friends, also for supplying. The main entry gate to the villa is accessible from Pazicka street on the southwest corner of the site. Here can be found a small building for security personnel, entrance for other staff (for example the cook). Also, there is a small garage in front of the building entrance for 3 vehicles. Terrace with swimming pool is located north of the villa in the private part of the garden. There is one more object on the site in the southeast corner, it is the summer pavilion. This summer pavilion in my proposal is a blank canvas for future student or professional architecture competitions. The summer pavilion should be deconstructable giving room for more competitions and keeping the site interesting.

Popis projektu

I have divided the private living function of the villa from the representational by putting it on a different floor. Given the fact that the main representational building of Slovakia is Grassalkovich Palace, the size of the villa is moderate and more focused for the private living of the president. The idea is that the president's job is so overwhelming and never ends, I wanted to bring him/her closer to their family by not creating a huge house where they could get lost but more cozy living which still provides the benefits of highest standard living.

Technické informácie

The structure is a simple both way wall structure with concrete walls. The building would incorporate local air conditioning systems, heating would be provided by two heat pumps and for extreme weather conditions/emergencies there would be one condensing gas furnace. The windows are located in a way that in the summer there is no direct sunlight reaching the glass surface, therefor the excess passive heat is minimized. In the winter the big glass surfaces help with the heating of the private living area passively.

Nikolas Križan

STU in Bratislava - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture





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