The site of the project is located on the boundaries of city centre of Brussels and the city part of Anderlecht where the gate to the city -Midi Station- is. The main inspiration in creating the concept was to connect these two city parts together, as well as the coming visitors with the inhabitants of the metropole. The idea was to design a bridge and also a meeting point for everybody.
The bridge is starting on the Boulevard de l´Europe connecting it to the Lemonnier station which is on the other side of the street of the Bouelvard du Midi.
The red pavilion which is the meeting point is attached to the construction of the bridge and is situated on the Boulevard de l´Europe. It has two levels - first on the ground floor which is divided into four parts. People can find cafe there and also a spot meant for public performances. The second level is a circled observation gallery which offers the view to every point in the neighbourhood.
The bearing construction of the Red bridge is provided from 2/3 of the construction of the Red pavilion and than continues to be carried by steel columns and steel beams. The main material of the Red pavilion is red-colored steel. The bearing elements are steel beams and steel columns and by connecting them together they create steel frame.
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