The idea of this project is the easy construction of villas using prefabricated concrete. Precast concrete is brought to the construction site and we can build different types according to the location of the villas (three-room, four-room, five-room villa). The staircase in the communication core in these villas is stacked one above the other. The suspended parts rotate by thirty degrees and thus create a walkable green roof and for the higher floors.
In the project I dealt with a prefabricated villa, which can be adapted by settling on the plot to different sides of the world, by rotating it and hanging it.
The supporting part of this building is the communication core, which is firmly anchored in the ground. The material is prefabricated concrete. The extended parts are anchored to the communication core using lattice beams.
Táto správa je určená len pre študenta a nebude zverejnená, rovnako ako odpoveď študenta na ňu. Táto správa však podlieha schváleniu tímu INSPIRELI v záujme ochrany študentov.
Nájdite spoločnosti, s ktorými máte pozitívne skúsenosti a ktorých radám môžu českí vysokoškoláci dôverovať. Len registrovaní členovia a partneri INSPIRELI FAMILY uvidia, ktoré spoločnosti ste označili.
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