Idea projektu
The design of the project is based on the idea that the buildings and the terrain should be connected together to form a whole. The overall design was to give a natural and modern impression while offering visitors facilities for a variety of needs.
In the marina there are restaurants, a café, sport shops, stalls for vendors on the promenade, boat moorings and access to the sea for visitors, a coastal walkway on which there may be relaxation and sports zones. As there is a rocky surface in the area which can be dangerous for visitors when entering the sea, the entrances to the sea are formed by large concrete steps.
One of the goals was to create objects that are easy to make. This is ensured by prefabricated wooden walls and wooden columns that can be easily transported to the site by truck or shipping container and can be assembled on site. The total dimension of a single cell is 2.6x6m, and they can then be joined together to create a building with the necessary floor space. The block can be easily used for prefabrication, small pieces secure low transportation costs and can be put together within a few hours. Furthermore, it can speed up the whole process of construction.
Táto správa je určená len pre študenta a nebude zverejnená, rovnako ako odpoveď študenta na ňu. Táto správa však podlieha schváleniu tímu INSPIRELI v záujme ochrany študentov.
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