Idea projektu

The parcel is located in the southern part of the village, stopped near the border with Poland. The existing buildings in the vicinity of the plot consist of family houses with the character of flat and gable roofs with two above-ground floors. The terrain profile is on a gentle slope rising from north to south. The building plot adjoins the side street on the north side. The southern side of the property is bordered by arable land. On the east side, it is adjacent to a family house and a house on a hill. On the contrary, on the west side it is surrounded by a garden and a two-story family house.

Popis projektu

This project consists of two buildings. One lower one which serves as a garage and workshop, storage room and then higher second one which is a family house. In first floor go into entry hall opposite is utility room. From the hall go to the bathroom, toilet and living room, kitchen with dining room. In second floor you find two kids room, parents bedroom with lacquer cloakroom, bathroom with toilet. At attic is primarily lit by skylights. French windows in the bedroom and children's rooms also provide a view in the gables on both sides.

Technické informácie

The construction of both buildings is made of wooden KVH prisms, which are lined from the outside with facade larch boards on the main building. The adjacent building has a facade made of fine-looking concrete.

Natálie Procházková

VSB - Technical university of Ostrava

Czech Republic



Architektúra Private House Interior

Rady študentom

Chybějící stínění oken ve vizualizacích

Dobrý den Natálie, je zajímavé, že ve Vašich vizualizacích jak interiéru, tak exteriéru máte zobrazeny spousty detailů včetně ovoce, novin a knížek, a přitom na oknech nemáte tolik zásadní stínící prvky. U většiny nových staveb je přitom nutné počítat jak s venkovním stíněním - rolety, žaluzie, tak i s tím interiérovým, jako žaluzie, rolety, římské rolety, záclony a závěsy. Stínění oken má důvod jak estetický, tak v kontextu světelné i tepelné pohody.

V okamžiku, kdy začleníte stínící prvky do vašich návrhů, naučíte se vnímat jejich technické požadavky na uchycení a tím snížíte riziko nespokojenosti Vašich budoucích klientů.

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