Idea projektu

The proposal outlines the creation of a new development axis that passes through the area of the original textile factory and the southern territory with new community and senior housing developments. The new development axis also connects perpendicularly to other development axes, thereby integrating the village into a cohesive whole that overcomes the barriers of the area and offers focal points that the village lacks. The next step of the proposal was to integrate with the landscape structure. Along the entire area in question stretches a massive growth of vegetation, directly connected to the former textile factory former concentration camp, and the southern territory of the former factory. This vegetation mass (coridor), resemoling a ribbon in its morphology, links various points of interest such as the factories, concentration camp, and new structures. Based on the reference to the green mass resembling a ribbon, symbolizing the theme of the textile factory, the proposal evolved into a literal interpretation of the ribbon in physical form. This "ribbon" traces along the area in question and connects 5 key points of interest: 1 - Entrance to the area of the former concentration camp 2 - Main building of the former concentration camp 3 - Current warehouse area 4 - Entrance to the northern area of the former textile factory 5 - Entrance to the southern area of the textile factory

Popis projektu

MAIN STRATEGIES: Preservation and enhancement of the village's Identity with the intention to connect with historical events and Jew­ish themes. Preservation and enhancement of the village's identity to maintain the form and rural character of the current village de­velopment with a community focus. Proposal for the "The Living Village." Creation of new job opportunities through the revitalization of a dilapidated textile factory and the design of a museum with a permanent exhibition. Creation of focal spaces and a center that the village lacks. Revitalization of village tourism through the introduction of new attractive features and temporary accommodation. Proposal for community housing and im­provement of residents' living conditions. Attraction of new residents.

Technické informácie

Regarding construction modifications, most of the demolished buildings are located in the northern area, as they are either of little value or unused. Conversely, the majority of new buildings have been constructed in the southern area, where the new structure sought to connect with the original buildings. The residential structure in the southern area was developed based on an analysis of the existing residential buildings, aiming to preserve the identity and character of the village in a modern way with a community-oriented character. In the northern area, the design emphasizes working with emotion. The entrance to the area is marked by a dramatic gate, which is part of the ribbon and arouses the visitor's curiosity. Visitors are then led along a clearly defined axis to the museum and memorial, which symbolizes hope. To evoke a sense of tension, an increasing number of visibly distinct tiles towards the memorial are used, as well as the construction of an interrupted concrete wall.

Karolína Bortelová

Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava




Urbanizmus Memorial Pavillion Religious Scuplture Aging Facility Community Center Landscape + Planning
  • Playground
  • Parks
  • Public spaces
  • Gardens
  • Waterway
  • Cemetery
Apartment Multi Unit Housing Private House Parking

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