In my proposal I focus mainly on the transformation of the Arch’s building and its surroundings. The main theme of the transformation is hope and the act of saving a life. Schindler’s Arch is trasformend into a museum and memorial and new part with library is added. In the museum I design several exposition spaces - starting with ,,Life of Jewish community before the WW2.” Gradually the tention intesifies symbolizing the worsening of societal conditions for Jewish citizes. The tension is relieved when entering the memorial of the Jews saved by Oscar Schindler. The new added library symbolizes hope and that one shoud always remember the past to protect the future.
Táto správa je určená len pre študenta a nebude zverejnená, rovnako ako odpoveď študenta na ňu. Táto správa však podlieha schváleniu tímu INSPIRELI v záujme ochrany študentov.
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