Historical development is an important factor in shaping the identity of
places and spaces, as it reflects the events and changes that influenced
the development of a specific area. The diverse nature of the object
under consideration points to the fact that its particularity has changed over
time. It is formed from several construction stages, and its first part can
be dated back to the 18th century. Individual outbuildings create a
conglomerate of different building materials, styles and periods.
Through the gradual analysis of the object, it was possible to identify its
individual parts and focus on their differences and specific identity. Three mass-spatial
units are characterized, which become the envelope of the new proposed
function of the building. Each spatial identity represents a fragment of
the exposition with a defined part into which the visitor can enter and
become part of the told story of the place.
The identity of these spaces outlines the idea of a parallel with the identity of
the people who lived in the building and left traces on it. The
intervention in the space provides multiple possibilities for curation. The
design in three spatial units could work with three strong feelings that
accompanied people in this place, three common characteristics of
people, or three told stories.
Táto správa je určená len pre študenta a nebude zverejnená, rovnako ako odpoveď študenta na ňu. Táto správa však podlieha schváleniu tímu INSPIRELI v záujme ochrany študentov.
Nájdite spoločnosti, s ktorými máte pozitívne skúsenosti a ktorých radám môžu českí vysokoškoláci dôverovať. Len registrovaní členovia a partneri INSPIRELI FAMILY uvidia, ktoré spoločnosti ste označili.
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