Schindler's Ark

Idea projektu

The aim of the projects was to propose the conversion of the northern part of the defunct premises of the former textile factory in Brněnec in the Czech Republic. This area is famous not only for the fact that it once housed a thriving textile factory, but mainly because it was the location of the Gross-Rosen Brünlitz concentration camp during the Second World War, where Oscar Schindler intervened. and saved 1200 Jews. It is primarily considered that the northern part of the territory will serve public functions, especially in buildings marked as cultural monuments. Schindler's house is also planned to be established in this part Ark Museum. In addition, additional services to the museum are located within the complex and are economical It is expected to bring prosperity to the area, particularly through small business premises. Architecture the design focuses on the primary building, "Schindler's Ark", where the Jews lived, worked and slept. The solution includes by transforming the function of the building into a museum and educational center about the Holocaust. The building is functional includes exhibition spaces presenting the story of the Jews who came to the Brněnec camp, as well as a memorial survivors and their testimonies. The building also focuses on contemporary artistic performances in the former a production hall and art exhibitions of living Jews who were artists. The device will be supplemented by building an educational center about the Holocaust focused on education and the fight against anti-Semitism. The conversion and revitalization of the territory should bring new life to the village, create a new center and ensure quality public spaces while preserving the historical value of the site.

Popis projektu

The proposal concerns the restoration and conversion of the factory into a museum and the completion of an educational center about the Holocaust. The building will be "cleaned" of later additions that inappropriately complemented the historical building and was completed with new interventions. The main concept is to create a space in which we can be confronted with terrible events and suffering experienced by the Jews, but at the same time it gives us room for our own emotional reaction. This museum is not a typical museum The Holocaust because it is a powerful story that has a happy ending, unlike other concentration camps. That's why he has this place to be a memorial to the survivors and a reminder that despite the adverse fate there was hope for a happy the end. In architecture, this concept is manifested by the creation of a glass atrium of "hope" in the building, which is repeated as in in the old building as well as in the new building. Atrium of hope because surviving Jews often say that looking up - at the sky he was the only source of hope in the times of suffering they were going through. There are also darker areas in the building expositions, which symbolize "suffering" and pass into lighted atriums, which symbolize "hope". From a compositional point of view, the new building will be designed in such a way that it forms an adequate addition to the renovated building. to the height of the building, setbacks in the facade and also to the grid of windows, but at the same time it is sufficiently distinguishable. The facade is part of philosophy, the facade is made up of aluminum slats that represent prison bars, because the Jews were in imprisoned in a concentration camp.

Technické informácie

The new interventions are noticeably materially distinguishable from the old building. The old building is made of burnt brick and new interventions steel and glass. In addition to the addition, which consists of a steel frame made of UPE profiles, there are new interventions noticeable even in the old building. Despite the fact that the facade of the renovated building was probably originally plastered with yellow paint, the resulting approach to the facade is that the bricks will be exposed and refurbished. In order for the building to be suitable for today's energy requirements, it will be insulated from the inside and the windows will be insulated with triple glazing.

Martina Bežová

Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava




Architektúra Cultural
  • Cultural Center
  • Gallery
  • Hall/Theatre
  • Memorial
  • Observation Tower
  • Pavillion
  • Religious
  • Scuplture

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