Idea projektu

The area independently developed with a focus on the issue of the Košíře Tram Depot, which has long been unused and decaying despite its great potential for a public building. After lengthy analyses, urban baths with an indoor pool were selected for the actual utilization program. The original building is approached very sensitively, and the new hall structure of the pool was primarily chosen to be wooden truss construction after analyses and with consideration for continuity with the original building. Part of the project also includes the creation of a new public square in front of the pool building.

Popis projektu

The proposed conversion includes the demolition of the annex adjacent to the depot and the construction of a new three-nave building, which will connect to the original depot and extend up to Plzeňská Street. A partially covered piazzetta will be created, linking Plzeňská and Vrchlického streets, thereby improving public space and cross-street connections. Public baths with an indoor pool were chosen for the usage program, addressing the shortage of public pools in Prague. I am designing the baths not as a sports facility, but as a temple of water. The location is central and easily accessible by public transport and car, making it an excellent site for municipal baths. The building will be oriented towards the piazzetta, where the main entrance for visitors and staff will be located. The height difference between the streets is utilized for underground garages. These will be accessible for supply deliveries and will comply with Prague‘s building regulations, providing 55 parking spaces and 5 spaces for disabled person. Former Depot Building The Košíře depot is not a cultural monument, but the design approach respects its historical value. The original depot building will be preserved. Annexes from recent decades, which are not structurally connected to the depot, will be removed to restore the building‘s original appearance. New structures will be inserted as autonomous boxes into the existing framework, preserving its character. Building – Architecture The proposed municipal baths will serve as an institution providing not only sports activities but primarily a place for cleansing the body and soul, a temple of water. The building will be divided into three levels: the original depot, a new pool hall, and an underground parking area. The first above-ground floor will connect to Plzeňská Street and the piazzetta. The underground floor will be partially embedded in the terrain, directly connecting to Vrchlického Street, and will include a supply entrance with parking and the lower part of the pool hall. The second underground floor will house pool technology, waste management, and parking. He main entrance will be from the piazzetta into the old depot, where there will be a reception, bistro, offices, and access from the garages. Upon entering, visitors will pass through the reception to reach the changing rooms, from where they can proceed either right through the showers to the wellness area, or left through the showers to the pool hall. The wellness area in the old depot will offer saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools, and massages, utilizing the intimate atmosphere of the original wooden trusses and skylights.

Technické informace

New Pool Hall The new pool hall will feature a truss frame wooden structure, creating a large open space. The stands will serve as relaxation areas with a view of the pool. The space will be interconnected with bridges and lifeguard facilities. Structural Solution The building combines a reinforced concrete structure underground with a wooden truss structure above ground. The facade of the new building will be double-skinned with polycarbonate and large-format glass, inspired by the Laban Centre project. This façade will provide the necessary aesthetics and thermal insulation for the operation of the baths. The overall design offers a modern, functional, and aesthetically pleasing solution for the former depot, creating a high-quality public space and new opportunities for the residents of Prague.

Karolína Šimonová

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Architecture

Czech Republic



Architektura Restaurant Wellness/Spa Industrial
  • Factory
  • Farm
  • Laboratory
  • Power Plant
  • Research Facility
  • Warehouse
  • Water Facility
  • Winery
Public spaces Transport + Infrastructure
  • Airport
  • Bridges
  • Public transport
  • Highway
  • Marina and Ports
  • Parking
  • Train/Subway

Rada studentům

Veřejné sanitární prostory

Dobrý den, k takto pojatému bazénu je potřeba vhodně nadimenzovat jednotlivá sociální zařízení, kde pro vybavení doporučuji použití našich výrobků. V celé škále od pisoárových splachovačů, přes automatické splachování wc, až po automatické bezdotykové sprchy. A u tohoto konkrétního projektu bych zmínil možnost použití čipové technologie RFID, pomocí které uživatel zaplatí za použití sprchy, otevře si dveře do wellness, popř. je mu umožněno použití invalidních WC. Každý uživatelský čip může být naprogramován v závislosti na konkrétním uživateli.

Popř. nabízíme systém dálkového přístupu Sanela smart control pro sledování spotřeby na jednotlivých WC, pisoárech, sprchách apod.



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