Family house on a golf field

Idea projektu

The subject was the preparation of an architectural study of a family house for a married couple with two children. Part of the assignment was also the production of selected parts from the documentation for construction. The land for the construction of an apartment house is located in Prague in Ruzyně in an undeveloped area where a golf course and luxury residences are planned. The main idea of ​​the house is conceived by the visible division of the technical part and the living part by a concrete wall, which opens the house towards the view of the woods.

Popis projektu

The house is designed in such a way that a person in every space in the living area perceives the openness of the space and the connection with nature and the garden. The house is located on a plot with a slightly sloping terrain on the north side. The one-story building can be divided into 3 visibly separate units: a technical part with a lower ceiling, which is divided by a single sloping wall in the building, and a social part, from which a short corridor leads to a private living area.

Technické informace

The one-story building, is made of reinforced concrete vertical load-bearing structures that support a reinforced concrete ceiling. The house is partly made up of a concrete front wall in the technical part and partly paneled with wood - mainly the social and residential part.

Renim Altala

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic



Architektura Residential
  • Apartment
  • Multi Unit Housing
  • Private House
  • Student Housing

Rada studentům

HELUZ cihlářský průmysl a.s.

Renim, velmi povedený a vzhledný projekt domu. V případě projektu RD, který bude umístěn v blízkosti letiště (Ruzyň) bych doporučil myslit na akustické parametry. Ty budou zásadní především u zasklení, ale i u zdiva. Doporučil bych tedy takový dům realizovat z těžkého zdiva - např pod váš dřevěný obklad se bude hodit zdivo HELUZ UNI 30, které má 49 dB, a k tomu vybrat vhodné zasklení HELUZ IZOS. Pokud by jste někdy cokoliv potřeboval neváhejte nás kontaktovat, rádi pomůžeme.  Ať se Vám daří!



HELUZ patří mezi tři největší výrobce zdicích materiálů v České republice. Jako jediný z této trojice je českou rodinnou firmou. Společnost svými…

Ing. Filip Bosák

Manažer technického poradenství

+420 702 029 465


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