Project idea

The modern cottage for "bachelor" The task of the renovation was to create a modern, cozy space for one to two residents, with the occasional sleepover for the owner's children. The owner's wish is to preserve as much of the original layout as possible with minimal construction modifications. At the same time, high functionality and space for the owner's privacy are required. The building is currently uninhabitable. It serves as a workshop for the owner's parents to store unused and seasonal items. After surveying the object, considering the owner's requirements and the possibilities of the given place and space, I designed a cottage with character for a modern independent man. The living space will provide comfort for the owner and his partner. The owner's children, who spend their free time and weekends here, are also not left out.

Project description

All materials used are selected to age well. At the same time, the possibility of leaving the original brickwork exposed is used here, which completes the rustic rural character of the cottage. The front terrace serves as a technical, access and social zone. The back terrace, on the other hand, provides the owner with plenty of privacy. The design contains design elements. For example, TON indoor chairs, Hay Palisade outdoor furniture, which is maintenance-free and can be left in place all year round. At the same time, ordinary furniture from the IKEA or wooden logs, which can be found in every yard, are used to furnish the interior. It is possible to use wood from the original floor and doors of the house to cover the entire building. At the same time, it is possible to insulate the perimeter walls with mineral wool or polystyrene boards.

Technical information

Reconstruction: Only two new building openings will be created in the perimeter masonry and three will be modified. There will be removal of the old floor, insulation, pouring of a new layer of concrete as a base for the new floors. These floors can also be supplemented with an electric heating mat, especially in the bedroom and bathroom. One partition will be demolished and two new ones will be built. It is necessary to equip the building with new water and electricity distribution systems and to prepare waste. Raise the roof and create a space in the attic for the occasional overnight stay. Insulate the space above the rafters. It is possible that part of the roof will need to be replaced. It is not possible to insulate the rooms under the ceilings due to insufficient clear height. The staircase will be moved to the exterior and a front terrace will be created. The space under the front terrace provides a place to store wood and rainwater containers. In the back part, the terrace will line the perimeter of the house. The building will be heated with a fireplace stove and supplemented with the aforementioned electric mats. The entire interior has an ingenious storage space. The sleeping area under the roof is separated from the living area only by a glass railing so that it does not divide the space unnecessarily. The entrance to the raised floor is formed by a ladder on the side of the kitchen unit. The front wall in the bathroom hides the wiring for both the bathroom and the kitchen unit. It hides the Geberit system for the toilet and the concealed faucet in the shower. The shower area, the floor and some walls are covered with an epoxy concrete screed, which is non-porous and easy to maintain, instead of the classic tiling. Behind the shower there is space for a boiler and a washing machine. The sink is designed as a countertop, the faucet is concealed. All the faucets are in matte black, which looks elegant together with the concrete. The bedroom is designed in a minimalist way. The space behind the door provides a sufficient amount of storage space in the built-in wardrobe. In the bedroom there is a French window with an exit to the back terrace.

Petr Voneš

VSB - Technical university of Ostrava

Czech Republic



Architecture Apartment

Specialist advice

Kamna v malém prostoru

Dobrý den, těší nás, že se ve Vašem projektu našlo místo pro kamna na dřevo a komín. S ohledem na malý prostor stavby bych doporučil kamna s malým výkonem, ideálně s akumulací, díky které se výkon rozloží v čase a nebude prostor rychle přetápět. Mohou to být individuálně stavěná akumulační sálavá kamna, nebo - pokud by se jednalo u sériově vyráběná kamna -  třeba kamna Hoxter Blox 50 která mají půdorysu 50x50 cm a výkon kolem 1,6kW při zatápění po 12h. 

Pozor na odstupové vzdálenosti komína od krokve - pokud je mezera větraná, musí být obvykle min. 50mm !  Krokev která zasahuje do komína nevypadá na vizualizacích dobře :-) 


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