The aim of the work is to perform
an architectural study of a progressive multifunctional building / "residential hybrid" with the corresponding public and semi-public
spaces, to design a quality and original residential environment that will contribute to the revitalization of the site and support the
development strategy of Bratislava.
Key words: Residential hybrid, temporary housing, permanent housing, integrated civic amenities
The work deals with "Residential hybrid", which represents a progressive multifunctional object with a combination of
residential (permanent and temporary housing) as well as commercial and gastronomic functions. The residential hybrid as a vision for
living in the future is supposed to represent an imaginary entrance gate to the southern part of the city. The urban area is situated in
Petržalka - Bratislava in the area defined by the streets: Panónska, Jantárova and Jasovská street.
The task of the work is to design a multifunctional residential complex with an integrated civic
amenities - with an emphasis on an attractive offer of gastronomic and commercial facilities that enliven the city parterre and create
space and at the same time offer conditions for new lifestyle.
Táto správa je určená len pre študenta a nebude zverejnená, rovnako ako odpoveď študenta na ňu. Táto správa však podlieha schváleniu tímu INSPIRELI v záujme ochrany študentov.
Nájdite spoločnosti, s ktorými máte pozitívne skúsenosti a ktorých radám môžu českí vysokoškoláci dôverovať. Len registrovaní členovia a partneri INSPIRELI FAMILY uvidia, ktoré spoločnosti ste označili.
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