
Idea projektu

INFLUENCE OF THE PROGRESSIVE TECHNOLOGIES ON THE CREATION OF ARCHITECTURE MAIN IDEAS: 1. Rotation of the buildings on the water surface - production of electricity by rotating motion 2.The Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell Technology - Generation of electricity from organic matter excreted from the roots of living plants 3. Photovoltaic cells on a turbine - curved - capturation of reflected sunlight from the water.

Popis projektu

I created a residential complex of buildings, floating on water, which rotate due to the wind and thus generate electricity. Energy is also produced by photovoltaic cells located on the blades of the central turbine, which rotates the building. The third source of energy is provided by plant power station located at the first floor of each building and also by vegetation roof on top of the each building. In addition to producing energy, these green plant power stations also clean the lake's water and increases its quality. The heat source is obtained by watert-to-water heat pumps . In addition, the spherical shape of buildings minimizes the amount of heat loss. Each apartment unit has a community garden on the 1st floor, which also serves as a plant power station, on the 2nd floor there is housing equipment such as the YOGA Center, the Community Swap Library and a social room for games and social events. On the 3rd floor, there are individual apartments themselves with an inner gallery, which frames the central atrium passing through the entire building.

Technické informácie

The whole complex floats on the water. Every building has an floating ''Cussion'' that also serves as walking paths for people living and interring the complex. Thanks to this floating paths, stays the complex above water and does not sink under water. Walls are made of hempcrete which has many beneficial efects. It cleans the air through the absorption of CO2. Because its chemical composition consists of hemp, limestone and water, it has also antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is much lighter than normal concrete and in framed construction it is very firm. Hempcrete can also absorb redundant moisture in and release the moisture into the interior when the air is too dry. Today, the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic polution is a big theme with increasing technology progress. It is proved that this radiation has negative impact on human organism and health. It is important to protect our bodies and our homes before these electromagnetic radiation from all the technologies around us. Therefore, there is an electrically conductive paint and mash used in the walls, ceiling and floor used that protects the health of living people.

Alžbeta Kazičková

Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava





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