HEX_CELL microhome

Idea projektu

HEX_CELL is a compact and affordable home designed for young couples as an alternative to traditional starter homes. Inspired by its first dedicated building site on the outskirts of Olešnice, the design incorporates a repeating hexagonal pattern. This pattern reflects both the honeycomb-like shape of the nearby landmark Lamberk and the cell structure of graphite mined in the area (also reflected in the exterior and translated into its facade made of burnt wood cladding). The central hexagonal arrangement serves as a metaphor for a fireplace, symbolizing the warmth and community fostered by said housing concept. Living small doesn't mean living less. Hex_cell is designed to maximize your living experience on a modest scale, while keeping you connected with nature and people around you. The cozy and comfortable apartment has been functionally fitted into 24 sqm of living space, thanks to a number of various innovative features such as built-in seating and storage areas, as well as an outside bar or a foldable staircase. Embracing the microhome lifestyle fosters a profound sense of community. Neighbors become more than just people next door—they become integral parts of daily life. Shared facilities such as a communal garden, generous outdoor seating and dining areas, garages, a fire pit, raised fllower beds, and other common areas encourage interaction and collaboration. Whether it's a spontaneous barbecue or a planned movie night, the bonds formed within a microhome community create a supportive and enriching environment. Promoting an eco-friendly lifestyle integrated into daily life can be achieved through simple yet impactful practices, such as collecting rainwater.. Rainwater harvesting systems capture precipitation from rooftops or other surfaces, channeling it into storage tanks for later use. This harvested water can be utilized for various purposes, such as watering gardens, flushing toilets, or even washing clothes.

Popis projektu

The current housing situation is challenging, especially for young people who struggle to afford homes and are forced into expensive rentals. Homeownership is becoming an unattainable goal as property prices rise faster than wages. This financial burden pushes many young people to move to cities, leaving rural areas robbed of youthful energy and community spirit. HEX_CELL microhomes are affordable, sustainable, and designed to create community. These compact, energy-efficient homes provide a viable alternative to high-cost housing. By grouping these microhomes, HEX_CELL fosters a sense of belonging with shared amenities and communal spaces. HEX_CELL can help revitalize rural areas by attracting young people back, offering them an affordable and fulfilling lifestyle. In cities, it offers a stable and supportive living environment. Embracing concepts like HEX_CELL can rebuild communities, restore life to rural areas, and help young people achieve the dream of homeownership.

Technické informácie

The structural framework of the building is based on a wall system, with prefabricated concrete panels as the main building material. The pre-assembled unit forming the structural system is placed on a gravel bed at the construction site and connected to utility networks. The interior is lined with CLT panels, while the exterior is clad in burnt wood. The slim profile of the structure is ensured through insulation with vacuum panels. The design also prioritizes ecological considerations, with the overall volume of required concrete remaining lower compared to conventional foundation casting for smaller timber constructions.

Vojtěch Trmač

FAST VUT - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Department of Architecture

Czech Republic



Architektúra Public spaces Multi Unit Housing Private House Student Housing

Rady študentom

Zajímavý nápad na komunitní bydlení

Dobrý den Vojtěchu, zaujal mě Váš projekt na ucelené řešení bydlení v minimalistickém stylu v souladu s krajinou. Podobným projektům naše firma moc fandí a pokud byste uvítal nějaké nápady na řešení střech, jsme Vám k dispozici. 

Nabízí se hned například kombinace "modré + zelené" střechy. Tedy jednak retenci vody kombinovaná s použitím vegetační střechy. Umíme nabídnout všechny potřebné materiály od parozábrany přes tepelnou izolaci a hydroizolaci v podobě FPO folie a vše na hospodaření s vodou na střeše a třeba i biotop jako součást vegetační střechy.

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