Schindler’s Ark

Idea projektu

The project aimed to embrace both the historical and cultural value of the site, which is in decline due to the neglect, and the the locals need for a renewed centre with sufficient amenities and meeting spaces for residents. The investor's plan is to create a museum and a modern centre that is both innovative and self-sufficient. This project will attract tourists from the Czech republic and abroad and will improve the overall economic situation. More crucial, however, is the return of the heart that has been lost over the years.

Popis projektu

In the northern part is a museum complex focusing on the lives of the jews who took sanctuary here as oscar schindler's workers. The complex is connected to a roofed square with self-service accommodation for tourists and a park. This part is completed by a sport center with an attached skatepark. The southern part is urbanistically designed with a diverse typology of buildings. New housing opportunities are offered by both villa houses and row houses as well as starter flats. In the southern end there is a square with a new town hall and a retirement complex. The campus also offers a clinic in the former villa of the low-beer family, which will also serve the locals.

Technické informace

The northern part of the site preserves the original material solution of the factory. The southern part is designed only urbanistically and therefore the technical solution is not specified.

Michaela Šulcová, Marie Jůzová, Barbora Malá

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic



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